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Drive Your Green Fee Revenues!

As we know, some of even the most avid golfers are opting against choosing a traditional club membership and instead playing different courses every week.

This means despite the tough trading conditions and inclement weather, there is still an opportunity to promote and drive the nomad golfer paying a green fee.
As the old saying goes,”Variety is the spice of life”, So give golfers a taste by using Promotion Codes & URL Links. It’s a great way to drive green fee revenue and encourage customers to book directly online with you!
By using ESP Leisure’s EliteLive and Online Promotions, you can target key days and times you wish to promote, tailoring the promotion around them.
For example: You may find a 4-ball offer works well on certain days, or including a breakfast with the round of golf, or you just may want to offer a strong discount off the headline rate.
These are also powerful tools to target key dates, when you know business will be slow.
Drive your green fee revenues now with EliteLive Online Promo Codes & URL Links.
To find out more, contact us at or 020 8251 5100

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