Center Parcs trusts Elite to run its 6 Villages in the UK and Ireland
Center Parcs operates six villages in the United Kingdom and Ireland. The UK has five Villages: Sherwood Forest in Nottinghamshire; Elveden Forest in Suffolk; Longleat Forest in Wiltshire; Whinfell Forest in Cumbria and Woburn Forest in Bedfordshire. The sixth village at Longford Forest in Ireland was opened in 2019.
As a leader in the UK and Ireland short break holiday market, Center Parcs occupies a unique position enjoying annual occupancy rate in excess of 97%. In August 2015 Center Parcs UK was acquired by Brookfield Property Partners.
Elite is trusted by Center Parcs to manage bookings at all six venues for its leisure and spa activities as well as managing the hire and maintenance of the 6,000+ cycles on each village. ESP Leisure’s relationship with Center Parcs has been more than 15 years. ESP Leisure were rewarded with Center Parcs Supplier of the Year 2014 winning “Center Parcs Service and Product Innovation Award”.
Center Parcs Spa Guests Book Online Thanks To ESP Leisure
ESP Leisure’s Elite software was introduced at the new Aqua Sana spa at Center Parcs Woburn Forest in the UK to provide an online booking service for guests. Customer demand now fully drives rotas, where historically at the company’s spas it was the other way around, with all bookings being made via a contact centre or once they arrived on-site. The result is reduced queues on arrival at the Aqua Sana booking desk while the software also gives the guest the convenience of planning their own itinerary. Day-to-day management of therapy columns has also become even more efficient.
ESP’s Elite software was already in use in other areas at Center Parcs villages such as leisure booking and cycle centres, so installing it at the Aqua Sana spas meant using one leisure system across the board and receiving one suite of reports.