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Closing a Day Account

A Day Account can be closed from any Point of Sale Terminal in either the Food & Beverage or Retail Systems.


Select Account Balance from the Point of Sale Screen


Enter the Address Code of the Day Account you wish to view the balance for or swipe the day account card.


Select F3 - Accept to confirm that this is the correct account.


You now have 4 options available to choose from:

Account Balance On Receipt will print a small receipt from your Point of Sale receipt printer to show the current balance of the account.

Print Statement of Account will print an A4 statement of all of the charges which have been added to the day account.

Make Payment to Account will pay off all or part of the balance of the account.

Invoice Day Account will close the day account if the balance is £0.00 or give you the option to charge to a credit account.



Make Payment to Account

Select Yes, to make a payment to the account.


Type in the Amount and press Enter.


Select the Payment Method.


The payment will now be allocated to the Day Account and a receipt will print.



Invoice Day Account

From the menu select Invoice Day Account.


Select Yes to Invoice the Day Account.


If you require additional copies of the invoice select Yes for every additional copy you require.