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Deleting Names & Bookings

There are 2 different deletion methods available within an Individual Booking:

Individual Name Deletion;
Entire Booking Deletion.



Individual Name Deletion

To delete an individual name from a booking, whilst you are in the booking, click on the name that you wish to delete, as in the example below.




Select the F4 Delete option.




Select Yes to confirm deletion of the 'Individual'.




The name will be removed from the list.  When you exit from the booking, the blank line will automatically be removed.



Entire Booking Deletion

To delete an individual name from a booking, whilst you are in the booking, click on a blank line under the names on the booking, as in the example below.




Select the F4 Delete option.




Select Yes to confirm deletion of the 'Record'.


You will now return to the booking screen and the booking will have been deleted.